What Does A Leaf and A Fish Have In Common?
· Well… nothing really, except for the fact that they were both in my dinner last night. During my stay here in Ghana, I have enjoyed the cuisine, for the most part. It has consisted of a LOT of starches, such as rice, and a lot of tomato based stews. However, last night my family ventured away from tomatoes and rice completely. When I uncovered my bowl, I saw an eyeball peering up at me, resting on a bed of green mush. The green mush was “leaf stew”. It had a very earthy taste, which was to be expected. However, it also had a crunch to it. The crunch just so happened to be the rib bones of another fish. As if the dried out fish on top of the stew was not enough, there was chunks of another mixed in with my leaves. It is safe to say I went to bed with an empty stomach last night.